Mr. Chunk
Who is Chunk?
While not the tallest Hellsguard walking around Eorzea he certain makes up for it in sheer size. Chunk is huge, packing on ridiculous amounts of trained muscle on an already large frame, making him easy to pick out in any crowd. He's brash, vulgar, crude, straight to the point, you name it. This makes him unapproachable to some but easier to others. He does things his own way but he is not a rebel, he simply views the majority of moral standards and social conduct as pointless and a waste of time. He can be your friend, your comrade, or your enemy. Given enough time, maybe he could be something more. Keep in mind that this man doesn't ask question when his friends are threatened.
Some stats for you.-
Sex: MaleHeight: 8Fulms 9IlmsWeight:600+ ponze (varies)Age: Currently 50Chunk claims Othardian nationality specifically from the village of Namai in Yanxia. While his parents where from Abalathia's Spine, his mother gave birth to him in the village of Namai during travels. She passed away shortly after giving birth to Chunk, and he was raised by the locals.Chunk's real name is:
Hanmā no katamari
Roughly translating to,
Chunk of the Hammer.A few folks are aware of his name also being Katamari, and even less know his Hellsguard given name is Hammer.
Hanmā no katamari was born from the locals mixing the name his mother gave to him and the name the locals grew to address him as.The name Mr. Chunk is from a misunderstanding from people calling him as such for whatever reason, eventually it just stuck. He doesn't like being called Mr. but sometimes you gotta roll with it.Weight: Somewhere around the area of 600 plus pounds. His muscles are huge and are not the result simply working out, but years upon years of fighting and working out in the world and eating absurd amounts of food. Boy does this man eat, hide your lasagna or suffer a shortage.Orientation: Straight. Doesn't give a crap about yours, that's your business not his.Relationship status: SingleHe has an adopted son Romura and two children with his ex-partner Divya De'ilja. Do due circumstances, he visits them when he can and does not have a hand in raising them.(If you desire to be involved with Chunk you can either do it via ingame through rp or contact me at [TheRubberDucky/therubberducky] on discord)Notables:- Severely scarred body and face like any long lived warrior or merc, from decades of wandering Eorzea, battles and constants fisticuffs.- Thick Graying hair on his head, with natural red streaks in it, big 'ol beard. Similarly thick body hair, he's a hairy lad.- Silver eyes, they shine but only in lowlight conditions.- Chunk puts minimal care into his presentation and appearance. He won't go out of his way to impress people with his looks and only does it for himself if he does. Others don't put food on his table, he does that himself.- He likes to antagonize and taunt people, usually for shits and giggles and rarely maliciously. He likes puns and corny jokes. He finds farting in a crowded room to be hilarious.- Overwhelming presence and stature. Chunk is genetically gifted, being taller than the average roe with thicker bones and thicker, denser muscles. In combination with his lifelong training up to the Present and workout regimen alongside his voracious appetite he manages to keep a girthy size and defined musculature.- Hasn't been sober in decades if he says he hasn't drank, he's lying.- A lifelong bouncer, he's seen it all, and has worked every kind of joint you can think of.- Relationships: If it happens, then it happens. He cares little for the idea of going out of his way to find someone who would mean something more to him. Do not think that he is trying to get into your pants just because he lightly flirts with you, he could care less and if he were that in need of it, he'd find a brothel. Go with the flow he'd say, despite this he does have a slight preference for viera.- While he has no problems discussing his past or family or what he does in his spare time. Those he has told could notice it's the same simple story with variations here and there but it all seems so rather simple does it not?. In truth it's a blanket to cover things he has done over the years, this man has a lot of blood on his hands and is no saint.- He likes to fight, a lot. He doesn't need a reason to fight you only a yes or a no will do, and he constant frequents many fight venues. He finds anyone who needs a reason to fight to be pretentious and full of themselves, why walk around in armor and carry lots of weaponry, talk big, talk shit, if you are not ready to show you can use them and back up your attitude at any moments notice?- Will do a job if money if placed in front of him with little questions, unless the job includes questionable morality.- Can throw or punt Lalafel a very far distance, just don't ask how he found out.- Aetherical resistance: What makes Chunk such a difficult opponent is not only his large size and natural toughness, but also his ability to essentially 'tank' magical attacks and the like. He is not immune to these things rather his resistance allows him to him to take the damage over time as it were. However this goes both ways, he equally resistant to supporting magic and healing, meaning he takes far, far longer to be healed through magical means. Chunk is aware of this, but he does not know how or why he is like this.- Due to a job he did wherein he almost died recovering an aetherical artifact in a cultist stronghold and some bullshittery involving voidsent magics, Chunk's beard is...not his own. Well it is 'his' beard but it's also not.. listen it's semi-sentient and he is in denial about it.- He has a semi-wild Jungle Couerl as a pet, while 9ft at the shoulder he considera her, named Anko, to be his wee baby.- Professions: Chunk has been trained by both rogue samurai and monks. Do not mistake this for being ill taught. While Chunk is no grandmaster of his crafts he is highly skilled, however finding out just how skilled this man is with his craft and abilities is near impossible as he fights he actively refuses to go out all in any fight, or situation unless he has no choice or he knows beforehand that it is needed.- Aether: Chunk has...well to be blunt massive amounts of aether/chakra. Much more than most people could feasibly maintain in thier body without it absolutely ripping them to shreds or consuming them. This had not always been the case, as he had normal levels growing up but the older he got the more aether/chakra he developed. This of course was never a good thing and more often than not attracted aether starved people or creatures to him. As a young adult like most people he gain too much aether/chakra he sought out to do something about it, however instead of looking for a outside vessel or releasing it here and there he sought out monks too be trained to be able to harness and control it, eventually creating two powerful seals (His earrings) to keep it in check. Once in a while other people are able to catch a glimpse of what he has hidden away, and to those that have Aether sight, he looks like a raging bolt of lighting contained within the body of a Roe.-Of course with such reserves of aether/chakra at his disposal he his capable of very astounding feats and skills, though as per his attitude towards himself usually needs to be in a dire situation to dare to dip into it, preferring to rely on what he has on hand before anything else or use no aether/chakra at all, though many people have seen glimpses of his aether/chakra usage.
-As to what he is aspected to remains unknown but there is some suggestions here and there.
-Remember his Aetherical resistance? It still has meaning regardless of how much aether/chakra he has at his disposal, in fact part of the reason he is reluctant to tap into it is because of how difficult to for him to even access it himself. Normally it takes preparation or extreme duress for him to dip into his reserves, and his seals are more meant to keep it for leaking out and causing problems than being able to use it.
(Yes, this portion of Chunk lore is 100% inspired by Kenpachi from the Anime 'Bleach' because that's my favorite character from that series, fight me.)(------More to Come-----)
Some Screens for you.